Our Classes
De-Escalation & Conflict Mastery
with Kelli Vrla

Conflict is something present in all our lives. Conflicts may occur big and small, in our personal or professional lives, and for multiple reasons. Whatever the reasons, one thing is true and constant: Knowing how to resolve conflicts before they escalate is crucial.
Everyday challenges and distractions can build incrementally forcing a serious escalation. This course will help you recognize key pre-escalation red flags and give you healthy strategies to minimize escalations.
Not only is this a conflict resolution course, in many ways it is also a social skills course in general, which means you will be able to transplant many of the techniques from this context to other areas of life (relationships, family, friends, and others).
Learning Objectives
After this workshop, you’ll be able to:
- Effectively address and de-escalate conflicts, using appropriate techniques to deal with the person’s emotions or complaints
- Properly analyze people’s rules and how to avoid breaking them, avoiding future conflicts
- Mediate intense situations between third parties, evaluating both positions impartially
- Avoid the common escalation traps in conflicts
CPR with AED/First Aid Training
with C-P-A-T- Network, Inc. Staff

Women in Leadership
with Kelli Vrla

This workshop is designed to equip women who are already proven leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to have an even greater impact and broader influence in their departments and agencies. Navigating complex relationships, leveraging strategic networks and engaging authentically are all skills of strong leaders.
This workshop touches on understanding the leadership gap, vital leadership traits, and how to overcome various barriers. Through this course you will gain new perspectives on the workforce and what benefits cane come from developing a specific set of skills.
Learning Objectives
As a result of this training participants will be able to:
- Identify and build key work relationships.
- Recognize potential barriers to success and a roadmap to avoid them.
- Adopt a strategy for leveraging strategic networks to build a positive support network.
- Identify personal strengths and potential development areas continuously improve leadership skills
Our Assumptions About Older People
with Dr. M. Kathryn Jedrziewski

This full-day training will offer participants the opportunity to examine both personal and societal conceptions of aging in an exciting and experiential way. Unexamined assumptions can lead to erroneous conclusions about older people in many ways: their abilities, interests, physical well‑being and mental health. Most of us are not fully aware of what we believe about aging yet what we believe shapes how we feel about, think of and relate to older people. It also influences how we understand and experience our own aging.
Drawing on her background in gerontology, creative drama and teaching, Dr. M. KathrynJedrziewski has designed an engaging workshop which facilitates exploration of assumptions about older people. Through "hands-on" learning, role-plays, complex case studies, group discussions, and problem solving, Dr. Jedrziewski will help participants gain new appreciation of the potentials and complexity of aging as well as of the vitality and diversity of older people.
Building More Effective Work Relationships
with Dianne Young

Strong, positive relationships are the foundation of a successful and thriving workplace. This course is designed to empower participants with the insights, tools, and strategies needed to cultivate and maintain effective work relationships. Explore the dynamics of workplace interactions, learn how to build trust, communicate with empathy, and collaborate more effectively.
This course delves into the importance of emotional intelligence, mutual respect, and open communication in fostering relationships that enhance both individual and organizational performance. Participants will be equipped with the skills to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, resolve conflicts, and create a more connected and supportive work environment.
Learning Objectives
Participants will gain the ability to:
- Build trust with colleagues through consistent, transparent, and respectful communication.
- Enhance active listening skills to foster mutual understanding and reduce miscommunications.
- Approach conversations by considering the perspectives and emotions of others, fostering empathy and understanding.
- Identify the 3 C's credibility to build and strengthen professional relationships.
- Resolve conflicts constructively by focusing on common goals and fostering a collaborative mindset.
Working Effectively With Participants: Understanding Behavior
with Nancy Morrow, MSW

Despite provider empathy and good intentions, not all older persons are responsive in the service interaction. This training will help participants identify, understand and respond more effectively to consumers who exhibit challenging behaviors.
This course will help participants understand that behavior has meaning and as service providers we must understand the importance of identifying what is underlying the behavior in order to effectively work with the individual. The interactive training is based on a behavioral approach and reinforces learning with case review from participants’ practice as well as training case examples/videos.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a three-part series of half-day sessions. To receive the 9 CEUs available, you much attend all three sessions in the series.
Learning Objectives
In this series of three sessions you will:
- Examine a variety of problematic behaviors encountered in older consumers: the resistantconsumer, the angry consumer, the paranoid and passive consumer.
- Outline practical strategies for dealing with such behaviors and consider how these behaviors relate to important behavioral health diagnoses and conditions
- Understand the implications of your personal style and issues in dealing with difficult consumer behaviors.
Nancy Morrow draws on more than 35 years of experience in a variety of roles in community-based long-term care and geriatric behavioral health. She provides training and consultation services in aging and teaches in the MSW program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.
STRESS - Managing Chaos
with Fausta Britton

Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and minimize the negative stress. You will learn how stress can be positive and negative and explore the Triple A approach that will form the basis of this workshop.
This Stress Management course will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system. They will also understand what lifestyle elements they can change to reduce stress.
Learning Objectives
After this workshop you will be able to:
- Identify the major stressors in your work and personal life.
- Identify lifestyle elements that may be contributing to your stress.
- How to use routines and relaxation techniques to deal with stress.
- How and why to maintain a stress log system
Situational Leadership®
with Tom Shea

For years, and years, and years the debate has gone on about just what leadership style was the most effective. There were as many theories as there were theorists, and the debate raged on. The answer: stop thinking of leadership as a theory and think of it as a process.
In the early 1960s, Dr. Paul Hersey developed his model for effective leadership. The Situational Leadership® Model is the most widely used leadership model in the world today. Over the last four decades, this model has become the basis of the most prevalent leadership system in over 700 of the Fortune 1000 companies. Having served as the common performance language, the benefit for organizations is enhanced goal and role clarity based on more frequent and more effective conversations about performance.
A situational leader does not adhere to a certain theory or trait. Instead, they identify the readiness level of the individual performing a specific task and adapts their leadership behaviors to maximize that individual’s chance to be successful. Situational Leadership® is not a theory; it’s a Model used by leaders to be more successful.
Learning Objectives
Participants in this full day workshop will:
- Identify their own preferred style of leadership, as well as back-up styles.
- Learn to assess the readiness level of staff to successfully complete specific tasks.
- Understand how effective leaders match their leadership style to the readiness level of others.
After completing this workshop, participants will possess a working knowledge of Situational Leadership®. They will have learned how it can increase their effectiveness as a leader and as a person at work, at home, and in any other organizational setting.