Situational Leadership®
with Tom Shea
For years, and years, and years the debate has gone on about just what leadership style was the most effective. There were as many theories as there were theorists, and the debate raged on. The answer: stop thinking of leadership as a theory and think of it as a process.
In the early 1960s, Dr. Paul Hersey developed his model for effective leadership. The Situational Leadership® Model is the most widely used leadership model in the world today. Over the last four decades, this model has become the basis of the most prevalent leadership system in over 700 of the Fortune 1000 companies. Having served as the common performance language, the benefit for organizations is enhanced goal and role clarity based on more frequent and more effective conversations about performance.
A situational leader does not adhere to a certain theory or trait. Instead, they identify the readiness level of the individual performing a specific task and adapts their leadership behaviors to maximize that individual’s chance to be successful. Situational Leadership® is not a theory; it’s a Model used by leaders to be more successful.
Learning Objectives
Participants in this full day workshop will:
- Identify their own preferred style of leadership, as well as back-up styles.
- Learn to assess the readiness level of staff to successfully complete specific tasks.
- Understand how effective leaders match their leadership style to the readiness level of others.
After completing this workshop, participants will possess a working knowledge of Situational Leadership®. They will have learned how it can increase their effectiveness as a leader and as a person at work, at home, and in any other organizational setting.
Session 1: May 8th, 2025
Thu from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
For directions, call us at (215) 765-9040